We're proud to announce Jack's nursery is all ready for him!

Clothes are all washed, toys put away, and everything is just perfect. Get a good look at his room now...it's not going to stay this clean!
Sitting in his room right now gives you a feeling that's hard to describe. Just knowing someone you already love so much is going to have his story start right here in this room is a very powerful thought.
You can see Jack's already gotten a lot more toys and books from everyone who came to Jim's shower last weekend. It was a great day, opening our doors to so many friends all celebrating this incredible time in our life. We'll get pictures up soon, we promise!

Clothes are all washed, toys put away, and everything is just perfect. Get a good look at his room now...it's not going to stay this clean!
This is Jack's fish friend, Clyde.
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