Has it been 28 weeks already? Seems like just yesterday we were looking at that little test and realizing our social calendar had dramatically been affected for approximately the next 18 years.
Suz and Baby Jack are happy and healthy. What to Expect When Your Expecting says his auditory senses are developing much stronger at this point. We believe it. Sure, it may just be in his biased parents heads, but it seems like he does respond and play when he hears us talk to him. He had been a little quiet earlier today, but when Suz leaned down and said, "Jack, are you still in there?" he immediately started squirming again.
FUN BABY FACT: At this point, Jack has almost double the amount of taste buds now than he will at birth. That definitely has to be true too, because that boy goes crazy when his mom is eating some fruit.

Suz showing off Jack's current bachelor pad

This picture would be 300% more interesting if it was viewable in 3D.
I'm sending good thoughts and wishes to the Kerr Household!