Sweeping panoramic view of Jack's nursery so-far that would make John Ford weep.Back in July, we headed down to Springfield to spend the day registering for Jack. Plan was to stop in at Target and Babies R Us, then spend the evening with Suz's sister and brother-in-law since we were in town. Bryan remembered the name of a little children's furniture store near where we were going and we figured it was worth checking out. Why not? Jim wasn't about to let Suz head back to Chicago to spend a million bucks on furniture north of I-80!

Once we got to the store, Suz immediately fell in love with this crib. I guess it's similar to house buying. You can see dozens of perfectly nice houses, but only one is going to have that instant feeling of home. Maybe Jack, in his own way, picked it out. If that is the case, Jim is relieved to find out Jack has relatively modest tastes. Would love to meet the person setting down $4,000+ for some of those higher-end cribs!

So, we purchase the crib and order the matching dresser. We leave Springfield very excited under the impression everything would be in-town by August 4th and delivered shortly afterwards. We also left Springfield debating whether or not anything really happened in the movie
Inception. I don't think anyone really liked it.
August 4th came and went and no phone call. After about a week, we started calling. We started getting scatterbrained answers about not knowing where it is yet and then that the store would mysteriously close down for two weeks for unexplained reasons. We later would find out they closed so the owner could park cars at the State Fair...for unexplained reasons.
This is about the time Jim borrowed a Sam's Club membership for antacids. He was starting to worry the place had closed down and she just hadn't worked up the courage to tell us our money is long gone with no furniture coming.

Finally, the other day we were called and our furniture was indeed in. There looked like there might finally be a light at the end of the tunnel! Since Jim works from home and the store mentioned the delivery guy would prefer mornings, delivery was set up from 7:30am this morning.
8:30 rolls by. 9:30 rolls by. And on and on. Nothing. The store doesn't open until sometime after 11am and every attempt to call the owner's cell phone have gone straight to voicemail. Fear of the store gone out of business were at an all time high. Shortly after 11, Jim finally gets a hold of the owner who explains she forgot to remind the delivery guy before she had to go to a medical appointment in St. Louis and he'd be on his way within an hour.
Suz was so convinced nothing was coming, she went ahead and told her sister that there wouldn't be any pictures to see today.
Long story short (too late), everything was here and finally set up by 3 o'clcok. Jack's furniture looks great! Now, obviously, we're still missing a lot and Suz will probably make Jim rearrange the furniture forty or fifty more times, but it's getting there. It's such a great feeling that we're that much closer to providing him a home when he makes his grand appearance in ten weeks.